A bevy of buzzwords - Impact Investing
With acronyms like that it's clear there is room for a helpful glossary of terms focused on impact investing and the "conscious economy." This came to me via a #SOCAP email
Below is an excerpt - the full list is online here. The glossary was assembled by Beth Busenhart and Charlie Kuhn of App-X.
"Blended Value
Introduced in 2000 by impact investing thought leader Jed Emerson, blended value represents a broader way of thinking about the nature of value creation by organizations, whether for-profit, nonprofit or hybrid, and through the application of capital. ....
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR is a form of corporate self-regulation that is integrated into the business model and takes into account not only shareholders but also stakeholders such as employees and customers. ....
The term "corporate social responsibility" came into common use in the late 1960s and early 1970s after many multinational corporations formed the term to describe any group that is impacted by a company’s activities. ...
Double Bottom Line
A business term used in socially responsible enterprise and investment to refer to both the conventional bottom line, a measure of fiscal performance, and the second bottom line, a measure of

positive social impact.
Triple Bottom Line (TBL)
Coined by John Elkington, founder and chairman of SustainAbility, in his 1997 book Cannibals with Forks: the Triple Bottom Line of 21st Century Business, the term refers to the three prongs of financial, social and environmental accountability. ...."