A year in #socialmedia #datavis
Yesterday I posted my "prediction scorecard" reflecting on the #Ten for the Next Ten predictions I had made back in 2010. In the upcoming Blueprint 2013 you will find my scorecard for the predictions I had made in Blueprint 2012.
Today, in honor of the new Pew Global Attitudes Report on social media - here are a few snapshots of my year in social media.
A wordle of this blog, courtesy of Kyle Reis, a friend and attentive reader:

My year on Twitter, courtesy of Vizify. You can do this too at 2012.twitter.com

For some context, here's the new Google Zeitgeist reports on what the world searched for in 2012.

And here is the "Pulse of the Planet" according to Twitter.

And, because I love cartoons, here's the year in cartoons from The Washington Post.