Artificially Intelligent Associations

My next big research project (I hope) will be coordinating a distributed team of researchers from many disciplines to better understand how our digital dependencies influence our associational opportunities and rights. For example:

  • How do the personas that data-driven algorithms create for us align with, or not, how we see ourselves and how we associate?
  • How does platform control of information visibility bound our associational opportunities?

There are many other questions and I'm working on putting together both a working group of scholars and a more complete outline of the project (Feel free to contact me if you're interested).

As with all of my research, I hope to do as much of this as possible "in public;" gathering, sharing, thinking, revising with interested parties. Here's video of one recent conversation I moderated on what I'm calling (because of the lovely alliteration) Artificially Intelligent Associations. This was recorded at Stanford University's HAI (Human Centered Artificial Intelligence) Conference on Ethics, Policy and Governance, October 29, 2019.

Featured participants are Eileen Donahoe, Terah Lyons, Sean McDonald, and Jasmine McNealy.