Blueprint 2016

Blueprint 2016

Yes. It is time for me to start thinking about Blueprint 2016.  To get it to you live in December I start thinking, mulling, complaining about, and drafting by June.

I just made my annual notebook to start compiling my papers, thoughts, and ephemera that I don't store online. I start carrying this with me everywhere. I spend a few minutes each day going back through all my online storage spots where I've been bookmarking and filing things since January 1, looking for ideas and patterns and questions.

What do you think I should be thinking about? Almost half-way through 2015, what's on your mind about the year to come?

  • Got any buzzwords you want to share?
  • Feel the need to point out where my 2015 predictions have gone awry? (or, perhaps, any I got right?)
  • Things you want more of from the 2014 and 2015 experiments with learning from outside the USA? Subjects or sections you'd like to see go away?
  • Thinking about trends that feel meaningful? Please share...

Let me know via twitter @p2173 with the hashtag #blueprint16. Or post a comment here.
