Buzzword 7 - Social stock exchanges

Some of this year's buzzwords are pure blather. (Here are links to the previous buzzwords for 2007)
Others describe ideas that I think are at the leading edge of change in philanthropy. This one - Number Seven - Social Stock Exchanges - is just such a buzzword. For more about this phenomenon - opportunities to invest in equities in social enterprises - here are some key resources:
Sample Social Stock Exchanges
- Altruistiq
- Brazilian Social and Environmental Exchange
- South African Social Investment Exchange
- London Social Stock Exchange
- India SME stock exchange
Information on Social Stock Exchanges
- Xchangexchange Blog
- SocialEdge discussions
- New Economics Foundation
- Charities Aid Foundation
- Indigenous Stock Exchange
Other perspectives on Social Stock Exchanges
- Catalyst - why SSEs are a bad idea
There are several reasons I think these exchanges will stick around and cause some significant changes in how we think about social enterprise - most of which have to do with the relationships between markets and transparency and consistency. More thoughts on this are here and here.
Social Stock Exchange - number seven on the buzzword list, but definitely one that's more than just a phrase.
UPDATE ON Q4 Giving - Fact or Fiction - check out the comments on my question regarding Q4 Giving - and thanks to those who wrote in.
Tags: philanthropy, buzzword, socialcapitalmarkets