Buzzword Survey
A colleague pointed me to the site of the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers. The site hosts a survey widget, asking readers to choose the buzzword that "best captures philanthropy trends in 2007." The buzzwords offered as choices come directly from the list posted on this blog on December 31. That full list was as follows:
10. Philanthropy 2.0
9. B Corporation
8. Endorsement Philanthropy
7. Social Stock Exchanges
6. Embedded Giving
5. Aligned investing
4. Open Philanthropy
3. Microfranchising
2. Microphilanthropy
1. Hyperlocal
As public radio stations often note, "The opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinion of the station or its sponsors." I was not contacted by the Giving Forum, did not suggest or sanction the use of these buzzwords in this way, had no hand in developing the survey widget, and only found it when it was brought to my attention by a colleague. In addition, please note this post that comments on the role and value (if any) of buzzwords and the ideas they attempt to represent.
Tags: philanthropy, buzzword