Data overload (not really)

Wow - what a week for data and philanthropy.  Resources you'll want to track:

1) Beth Kanter and KD Paine have a new book coming out - Measuring the Networked Nonprofit. In preparation for launch Beth has been sharing her wisdom on SSIR and on her blog. I'm thrilled to have the chance to moderate a discussion with Beth and KD at Stanford on October 18.

2) NTEN's latest edition of their magazine CHANGE is about data. Get it.

3) The Alliance Magazine special issue that I co-edited - What can data do for philanthropy? There's wisdom in there  - subscribe to the magazine or download (pdf) the special section on data.

4) I'm giving a 5 minute talk on data and change at the Council of Michigan Foundation and Michigan Nonprofit Associations joint annual meeting on October 8 - slides will go live shortly thereafter.  Not sure what kinds of video streaming/archiving might be available.

5) I'll be doing a webinar with Stanford Social Innovation Review that will make data and data tools for philanthropy and social good come to life.....(probably in November 2012)...stay tuned!

As an added bonus, check out Beth's pinterest collection of "Nonprofit Data Dashboards," go play with the data on the Chronicle of Philanthropy's special section "How America Gives" and re-read Brad Smith's great piece, "Philanthropy's data dilemma."