Data + Prizes = "made for me" blog topic
I spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the data we need to make better giving decisions. This has led to a lot of time watching data providers in the social capital market space grow and diversify. This has lead to a growing discussion group that is thinking about issues from content ownership to licensing to the types of data that markets need to work. You can join that discussion over here.
I also spend a lot of time thinking and writing about prizes.
So this announcement, for a prize to the best articulation of data needs in emerging markets for SMEs*, was like a "made-for-me" announcement. The SEVEN Fund is looking for ideas about data that investors could use to make better decisions about SMEs in emerging markets. Got 750 words to share on this topic? Post 'em up and win $50,000. And help change the world.
*SME = small and medium enterprises
Tags: philanthropy, socialcapitalmarkets, prizes, data