Ethics of Data Conference - First Quick Summary
The #Eod14 Conference was a huge success. Thanks to all who participated. We're still decoding, transcribing, and following up so a more formal synthesis is still to come. But in the meantime:
The conference encouraged real work. One and one-half days of small group sessions, filled with the 100 participants, yielded (at least) the following:
• The curriculum for a class on building trust in conflict situations being taught at Stanford this quarter • A "responsibility for harm" checklist • A framing document on different types of consent - (being carried forward by Responsible Data Forum and others)• A prototype for analyzing the ethics of algorithms• A 24 month "urgent issues" idea set• A research agenda (the Digital Civil Society Lab will move some of this forward)• At least one book proposal
(the Digital Civil Society Lab will try to help move this forward)• Specific opportunities for commercial data firms to develop consistent policies for sharing data with researchers and nonprofits • Mock-up for nonprofit Terms of Service agreements to align with their missions
(being carried forward by Responsible Data Forum and others)• Two(!) draft codes of ethics for data in civil society• A set of tools for making ethical decisions across the data lifecycle• A data "badger" for ethical management of data in civil society• A matrix for locating use cases within and across sectors• A process for data scientists and nonprofits to articulate and document the ethical choices they made in building apps, making visualizations or analyzing data sets• 100 people from universities, nonprofits, policymaking, and a variety ofdigital data/media companies creating 100! new relationships The actual materials will be shared in a variety of ways, including here and on the conference website Blog Posts by Participants
Heather Wilson document on conference (forthcoming)
If I missed something, let me know. More soon!