FasterCures Philanthropy Advisory Service

(Image from

I'm jammed for time so will have to make this quick - check out FasterCures Philanthropy Advisory Service. It launched today at the Milken Institute Global Conference.

I have had the great privilege of being in contact with these folks for several years about this work. Sometime in 2005/06 I received a call saying, essentially, "Hey, we read your book, we're working on something that we think aligns with your thinking, will you talk with us?" Last year I was honored to join their Organizational Review Board* and am continually impressed by the intensity and quality of their work. I've noted them on this blog several times. I think these kinds of information and advisory services are a huge part of the future of philanthropy and think that FasterCures is setting a great new standard with this approach. This is a beta launch - help them out, make it better, tell your friends, compare it to some of the other models out there (GiveWell, Charity Intelligence Canada, SASIX, etc)* and be part of the future.

*Full disclosure: As stated above I am on the Organization Review Board for this service. This requires my participation in several meetings per year to provide feedback to the staff on metrics, methodologies, ratings tools, and level/types of data and detail provided. Information on the ORB and other advisory groups is here. I used to be on the board of GiveWell and I know and work with the leaders of SASIX.

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