The Future of Philanthropy Down Under
The fine folks at Philanthropy Australia sent me a copy of the opening speech from their recent conference - here is the link from the PhilanthropyOz blog. Besides offering a nice, concise several century history of philanthropy the speech looks to the future. A short list of what they see:
- Philanthropy is more than money - it includes time and expertise;
- Efforts to measure impact must recognize number one above;
- Wealth transfer may matter more than wealth creation;
- Corporate social responsibility is likely to continue to offer competitive advantages;
- Transparency and information sharing matter significantly; and
- Australia can and should look to it Asian neighbors for economic and philanthropic leadership.
The full speech is online here. The more we can collect insights and stories such as these about "wither philanthropy" in these economic times the more we might actually be able to understand what we are going through.
Tags: philanthropy, australia, future