How can data change philanthropy?
I've written about this at length (search this blog for "data").
So here are some ideas in short form that consider all kinds of data - trend, legitimacy, performance, outcome, digital exhaust - and how they can change philanthropy:
- Pattern finding - aggregated revenue and organization giving, coded by strategy or outcome, would allow us to see patterns. Find strengths, networks, gaps.
- Mash with other data - giving data mapped against health disparities, census, income, educational levels, second home ownership - you name it
- Turn online platforms into instruments for understanding - use online platforms as instruments to understand donor motivation, not just assume we understand their actions - bring persuasive tech, A/B testing, and behavior change knowledge to these platforms
- Network mapping - aggregate digital giving data to see networks of support, find influencers
- Predictive - does "flash mob" giving tell us anything?
- Predictive - which data on organizations actually influence donors? Which influence organizations?
- Predictive - non c3 actions and networks - which ones matter?
- Follow all money - a single dataset (or common taxonomy at least) of CSR, government contracts and grants, foundation dollars, development aid - real revenue understanding
- New revenue - data on impact investing, actual money flows would allow us to see if this is real, hype, or bubble. If real, code it all so Impact Investing data can be seen in light of bullet above
- Use geo-location data with volunteers to see who, what, how, where
- Use organizational information to improve program services (see datadives from DataKind)
- Create applications and software that improve sectors such as human rights work or disability services (see Benetech, TopCoder and SocialCoding4Good)
- Protect an open internet - see the Mozilla Foundation, Wikimedia
- Create fluid networks of activists - see SOPA/PIPA fight, #PDF12 for complete catalogue
- Open proposal applications - propose once, reach many (similar to Awesome Foundation structure)
- New forms of public service and geek volunteering - see CodeForAmerica, CrisisCommons, etc.
- "Liquid philanthropy" - mash up monitoring information from a PWX with feedback mechanisms such as "liquid feedback" to drive global engagement around water issues
- Form new forms - data backbone on an issue, used by shared communities of activists and donors - create 21c century organizations
- Video.
- Use funding platforms (everything from DonorsChoose to Kickstarter to SpaceHive) as "community assessments" - what are communities asking for? Same with foundation proposal processes.
- Find how (if) people move on a ladder of data engagement - from legitimacy to performance to outcomes
- Seed baseline repository of outcome data so can answer questions about organizational form and revenue mix by outcomes (down the road)
- Data communities, such as
- Data as a public good - in the "next great natural resource race" over corporate/government ownership and personal privacy what is in the Digital Public Good commons?
- More coming on Wednesday on Data Philanthropy
- Add your ideas in the comments...
I think some of the most interesting possibilities are in the "data backbone" created by online and digital communications. Using these as starting points for understanding behavior and use of private resources for public good, not just talking about outcome data.