Influentials in nonprofit tech
Beth Kanter was named one of the most influential activists by Fast Company Magazine as part of a recent feature on women and web 2.0. Beth expanded on the list and added several categories of potential interest to readers here, including: Nonprofit Technology, Social Change Activists, Big Picture Thinkers, Nonprofit Social Media Strategists, and Nonprofit Marketing and Fundraising. I'm honored to be among them.
As a tech aside, I discovered this news through twitter. Slow as I was to get on twitter, I was faster than my tech guru David Pogue. I actually now rely on twitter for news - its like my own custom-fit stock ticker - all the news I want, there when I want it. Not only that - its a two-way ticker - I ask questions and get answers. Recently, when I "hinted" that there should be a twitter site to follow philanthropy prize announcements the "hint" was picked up within minutes by the good folks at socialactions and changetheweb and, lo and behold, a twitter feed for social action prizes was created (#saprizes). Time from idea to implementation - about 15 minutes. Follow me here.
HT @christineegger
Tags: philanthropy, prizes, kanter, socialactions, #saprizes, #kanter, #socialactions