Map the (social capital) Market

Today the Global Social Investment Exchange - an emerging federation of social investment exchanges - launched an interactive, online map of the various players in this space. This is timed perfectly for the Second Annual Social Capital Markets Conference (#SoCap09) which runs from September 1-3 in San Francisco.

The purpose of the mapping:

"... create a searchable directory of global players active in the field of social investment in order to support consolidation and coherence within the overall social capital market, and make available to investors, donors and other interested parties detailed and easily accessible information on appropriate service providers who can meet their investment or grant making requirements."

In other words, the map will make it easier for everyone to figure out who is part of this emerging market, what they do, where they do it, and how to get involved. If you or your organization is involved in moving social investment funds, strengthening social enterprises, connecting investors to investments, or offering metrics and tools to this market then you need to "get on the map."

As for #SoCap09  - the conference has attracted more than a dozen Canadian social investment organizations, hundreds of people from a dozen other countries, representatives from for-profit social enterprises, investors, foundations, nonprofit, individuals, activists, and scholars interested in this space. Two days of workshops and plenaries, mixed in with a variety of on-site demonstration efforts, launches of various new databases and ratings tools, and a final day where the conference attendees take over the schedule and talk about what really matters - that's what SoCap is made of.

I'll be there - looking forward to learning more about IRIS, GIIRS, PULSE and the new McKinsey/Foundation Center database of evaluation tools, the social entrepreneur project created by SocialActions and their partners and, of course, the social investment exchange session. . I'm moderating the Metastasizing Metrics session (Weds 2:45) *, featuring speakers from The Rockefeller Foundation, Acumen Fund, McKinsey, SalesForce, and the Mulago Foundation. I'm also coordinating an "unconference" session on Thursday at 9 am on the Philanthropy Policy Project (#philpo).

*I'm moderating it. I didn't name it. However I can tell you this - if you only go to one session this year on measuring success in the social enterprise space - you should make it this one. If you'll be joining us and twittering the hashtag is #socap09.metrics

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