More maps of Do-ers And Donors V 3
Wow - this map thing is taking off. I should have started here - with the great maps from the Skoll SocialEdge, SocialActions session at #SoCap09. At this rate we're going to have to plan a gallery tour of "maps of the social sector." If you have more, please send them in - we'll get 'em all posted - for now, here's the Flickr set.

Jill Finlayson's posts from the session - accessible here, here and here - give some background on the maps and their purpose. I'll be trying to fold these data into my maps - and again, thanks everyone for sharing maps, suggestions, and improvements - please keep the insights coming!
Tags: datavisualization, philanthropy, maps, funding, #socent, #socap09, finlayson, @socialedge, donorsdoers