Multi-Media Philanthropic Platforms (Tech Roundup 2008.3)

The California Endowment is helping to make possible a live webcast of The Women's Conference tonight (Wednesday, October 22) from Long Beach. Check it out here.

Participant Productions, the movie company funded by Jeff Skoll (also of the Skoll Foundation and SocialEdge) which brought us An Inconvenient Truth, The Visitor, and The Kite Runner (among others) has put its takepart website up in public alpha - it is worth a good look.

And speaking of movies for social change, at the SSIR Online Giving Marketplace conference, and then again on Monday at the SocialActions lunch (blog post to come) I had a chance to chat with Lloyd Nimetz, a co-founder of HelpArgentina. He is now working on a enterprise that will allow smaller donors/investors to invest in the production of films/media that promote social change - sort-of a Participant Productions for the rest of us.

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