Party with a Purpose
The B Corporation folks and Bay Area founding B Corporations are hosting a "Party with A Purpose," Tuesday Night in San Francisco's Mission District. The pitch:
The Bay Area Founding B Corporations
Invite you to the 1st B Corporation "Party With A Purpose".
Learn how your peers and leaders in the movement are
setting a new corporate standard in social and environmental performance.
It will be short, sweet, and meaningful.
Together, we can be the change we seek.
The Founding B Corporations include:
Raphael Bemporad / Mitch Baranowski - BBMG
Lucy Bernholz - Blueprint Research and Design
Jason Salfi / Don Shaffer - Comet Skateboards
Mike Hannigan / Sean Marx - Give Something Back
Tim Freundlich / Kevin Jones/Joy Anderson - Good Capital
Scott Leonard / Sean Holt / Matt Reynolds - Indigenous Designs
Mal Warwick - Mal Warwick & Assoc.
Adam Lowry - Method
Jeff Mendelsohn - New Leaf Paper
I continue to think that the B Corp idea has the greatest potential of any innovation I've seen yet to radically alter (improve) capital markets for public benefit. It is wonderful to watch the movement begin - hang on a for a great ride.
Tags: philanthropy, hybridorganization, bcorp, socialcapitalmarkets