The person's choice award for foundation data presentation...
I spend a lot of time pleading with and goading foundations to share their data (see video). I'm delighted to be able to tip my hat to a job well done.
The winner of the first ever "Person's* Choice Award for Foundation Data Presentation" is the Knight Foundation for a new report on its News Challenge winners. Maybe the Council on Foundations will take over this award, update its current Wilmer Shields Rich Award for communications and start promoting and celebrating "best data sharing" practices. I'm happy to have them rename the award - the "People's Choice" would be much better (and there should be a category for Open Data sharing, not just great presentation design).
When was the last time a foundation released an evaluation report that made an outsider write a whole blog post about their "favorite slide."? I'm not sure that has ever happened before. But it happened today, when Jeff Stanger of the Center for Digital Information responded to a tweet I sent about a new report released by the Knight Foundation with his choice of "favorite slide."
Here's the slide Jeff liked so much:

(source: Knight Foundation Report designed by Kiss me I'm Polish, online at
You can find the full study and report from Knight here.
You can read Jeff's full post here.
Wouldn't it be nice if more foundation data and findings were released in ways that people used them? Commented on them? Shared them?
The 2011 Knight News Challenge winners will be announced tomorrow, June 22, 2011 at the MIT Civic Media Conference.
* The Person's Choice Award is made up. By me. I'm the person. Go ahead - crowdsource this, let it loose, take it over - make it a "People's Choice Award." That would be great. Make sure you have categories beyond just design -- for machine readable, interoperable, extractable data (i.e. open data).
Tags: #newschallenge, #knightFdn, #data, #cof_