Philanthropy and AI
There are several wonderful dissertation topics and books to be written about the role of civil society, nonprofits, and philanthropic funders in the evolution of AI.
Sara Herschander of The Chronicle of Philanthropy has an article out as a look at this minute-in-time. It draws from some of the data in our AI Civil Society Database. (Note: because the DCSL is now closed this resource is not being updated, but we'll still share it with anyone who asks for it - would be delighted for someone to take on maintenance and upkeep).
My quote to end the article is thus:
“For the most part, philanthropy is doing the wrong thing right now,” said Bernholz, who argues that foundations should prioritize safety testing rather than rushing to fund A.I. adoption. “The pressure they are putting on organizations to prioritize efficiency over mission is dangerous — please stop.”
I'll leave you with that. I'm out of the hospital but recovering slowly - posts will be sporadic for a bit.