Philanthropy Buzzwords 2016 (and back to 2007)
Blueprint 2016: Philanthropy and the Social Economy is now available. You can get your FREE copy via Grantcraft here.
This year's Blueprint has a worksheet focused on some of the big themes designed for nonprofits and foundations to use as part of organizational development or strategic planning processes - you can access that here.
The Chronicle of Philanthropy is running an edited version - you can see that list here. The Blueprint has an more expanded and revamped version.
And here, where it all began, is a a complete list of top ten buzzwords, by year, going back to 2007.
20161. “…for Good.”.2. Overhead Myth. 3. Effective Altruism. 4. X-Risks 5. Platform Cooperativism 6. Worm War 7. Algorithm. 8. Augmented Reality. 9. Biononymity. 10. CRISPR.
Bonus, late in year addition - the $45 billion buzzword - LLC. 20151. Internet of Things2. Citizen Science3. Giving Days 4. A/B Testing5. Data Gender Gap6. Encryption 7. Artivists8. Wearables9. Smart Cities10. Iterate2014 1. Privacy2. Performance Management3. Peer-to-peer services4. Constituent Feedback5. Makers6. Bitcoin7. Commons8. Metadata9. Randomista10. SolutionismBonus – Hackers2013
1) X
2) MOOCs
3) Hackathon
4) Fiscal Cliff
5) Resilience
6) Social Welfare Organization
7) Sensemaking
8) Data Scientist
9) Flash Mob Philanthropy
10) Data
1 Social Impact Bond
.2 Collective Impact
.3 Storytelling
.4 Charitable Tax Reform
.5 Infographics
.6 Evidence-based
.7 Shapeshifting
.8 Disruption
.9 Amplify
.10 #
2010 and 2011
10 - Giving Pledge
9 - Markets for Good.
8 Crowdfunding
7. Chugger
.6 - Co
5 - Charity washing
4 - Curator.3 - Networked2 - Sector Agnostic
1 - Scale
2009Impact Investing
B Corporations
Mergers Taxonomy
Charity Challenge
Sidecar Fund
"move the needle"200810) Philanthrocapitalism
9) Social Capital
8) NextGen
7) Charitable Gift Cards
6) Good gifting
5) Micro - (endowment, philanthropy, finance, franchise, consignment)
4) Design,
3) Outsourced Program Advising,
2) Labs,
1) Mobile Giving, 200710. Philanthropy 2.09. B Corporation
8. Endorsement Philanthropy
7. Social Stock Exchanges
6. Embedded Giving
5. Aligned investing
4. Open Philanthropy
3. Microfranchising
2. Microphilanthropy
1. Hyperlocal