Please...disrupt this
I wrote this about Square last week.
Then eBay and Grameen announced a mobile payment network system. (HT @kanter). And Simple was launched at #XOXO conference (which raised operating funds on Kickstarter).
Some people agreed and suggested much more. Others disagreed.
I think it's high time we took all the innovation that's going on payments, banking, and mobile and said , "OK - how can we reinvent charitable giving." Really reinvent it. So it works -
- People have the funds they need to do good.
- Do-good enterprises are accountable - to the communities that matter (the public - their immediate community and the general public, their funders, tax exempting authorities)
- Philanthropic funding is efficient and transparent.
- Nonprofit reporting is seamlessly integrated with their expenses, taking the hassle out of fund reporting.
- Grant reporting from foundations is streamed live and reported electronically (to the IRS and to intermediaries and sensemakers)
- 990 data and grants data are accessible and interoperable with public revenue and issue data
There are $45+ billion in foundation grants made every year - that's a market worth making easier, more transparent. There's another $200+billion given by individuals each year. That's worth improving.
ICYMI - the rest of the five part series on technology and giving, including two special inserts on "tech and evil" and "videos for good" is now available.
- How Square will change everything
- Cloud Philanthropy
- Filters and finding things
- New Skills for Giving
The branch conversations are really great.
Re: Technology and Philanthropy