Prediction review
Alliance Magazine's December issue has several articles worth reading. The issue of the issue is "how far will they go" and it includes discussions and examples of foundations going "all out" to achieve their goals. Some of you will, no doubt, say "not far enough."
Since it is December and time to check in on trends, buzzwords, and predictions, this issue of Alliance also includes my review of my 2008 predictions. My piece "Back to the Future" is available here and on the home and publications pages of Blueprint Research & Design's website. Please subscribe to Alliance to get all the rest of the best stuff.
Just as a teaser, the first item in the 2007 predictions line (written on December 5, 2007) reads as follows:
economic predictions for 2008
Today's headlines read, "Its official: U.S. in recession all of 2008"
Not all of of my predictions were as on target - check them out here. And since I believe crowds are far wiser than I am, and with all due respect for Black Swans, let us bring your brain into this discussion - what do you predict for philanthropy 2009? Comment below and I will compile, edit, and post. Comment today and I'll email you a free copy of the Alliance review of my 2008 list. The price to play? You have to be willing to review your predictions, publicly, one year from now.
Tags: philanthropy, alliance