Radical Openness
By Jason Silva for TED Global.
"RADICAL OPENNESS" - for TEDGlobal 2012 by @Jason_Silva from Jason Silva on Vimeo.
RADICAL OPENNESS - An anthem on the power of IDEAS created by Jason Silva at Therapy Studios.
Follow me on Twitter: @jason_silva | http://twitter.com/jason_silva
More of Jason's videos: VIMEO.com/JasonSilva
Email: info@thisisjasonsilva.com
Inspired by the ideas of TED, Chris Anderson, Richard Dawkins, James Gleick, Matt Ridley, Steven Johnson, Kevin Kelly, Ray Kurzweil, Imaginary Foundation and many others.
Dedicated to those who believe in IDEAS WORTH SPREADING!!
Special thanks to BRUNO GIUSSANI, European Director, TED Conferences.
Selected stock footage courtesy of Shutterstock. Still images provided by The Imaginary Foundation.
Music composed and performed by Bix Sigurdsson.