I'm thrilled to announce the ReCoding Good Charrette series. This is a key part of the work I'm now doing at Stanford's Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society (PACS).
The charrettes (design conversations) will run over the course of 2012 and focus on issues that offer new opportunities to use private resources for public good. We'll poke and prod and question these topics, turning them over and examining their roots as well as their potential. What are we looking for? Their likely, possible, or desired impact on philanthropy and the policy frameworks we use to guide private resources for public good.
Charrettes are hosted with partner organizations. Topics identified so far include:
- Is it better to give or to share? Intersections between philanthropy and the sharing economy
- Cohosted with Shareable
- Political Charity? Citizens United and the New Reality of Change
- New Money, New Rules: The Policy Frame for Impact Investing
- Global and Digital: Public Goods in the Internet Age
- Big Data, Open Government, and the Public Good
- 21st Century Institutions: Governing Public Good
- Bioscience, the body, and the body politic - new frontiers of public and private
The conversations happens all year long online at #ReCodeGood. Charrette discussions will be documented and shared on the PACS website and here. We invite you to participate in all of our electronic discussions and public forums.
The ReCoding Good charrettes complement a series of scholarly workshops, ongoing public forums, idea sharing, and policy research that make up the larger project on Philanthropy, Policy, and Technology. We expect this work to provide guidance for improving the public policy frameworks that shape our social economy. We invite you to join us in asking five key questions about the emerging social economy:
- What does a post-Citizens United world mean for nonprofits, philanthropy, and the public good?
- How is digital technology changing our conception of public accountability and public goods?
- How will big data, the sharing economy, and open government influence philanthropy?
- How can we better align our regulatory frameworks that govern and structure the creation of public goods with the technological innovations being made in bioscience, data processing, and other rapidly advancing fields?
- What are the 21st century policy frames we need to encourage the use of private and public resources to help address our major domestic and global challenges
The answers to these questions will inform policies to shape a more robust, capable, fair, and effective system for using private resources for public good. Such a system matters to all of us: nonprofits, donors, social investors, social entrepreneurs, activists, public officials, and, above all else, citizens. The rules reflect what we want from government, markets, and individuals in solving our shared social problems. All materials from and information about the project can be found at pacscenter.stanford.edu. We invite you to join our email list, talk with us on twitter (#ReCodeGood) and join us in person whenever you can. You can register to participate in the conversations here. The ReCoding Good charrettes are part of the Philanthropy, Policy and Technology Project of the Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society at Stanford University. Rob Reich, @robreich) and I (Bernholz@stanford.edu, @p2173) are leading the project.