ReCoding Good - Part Two
We published a synthesis and reflection on our ReCoding Good Charrette, part of the Project on Philanthropy, Policy and Technology, on SSIR. Similar pieces will be published before and after each charrette.
This reflection comes from the charrette on the sharing economy that we held on January 24. Part one is here (prior to event), part two is here (post event). All charrette materials are here (this link will be changing over to the PACS website).
Upcoming charrette topics are:
"Are nonprofits people, too? Citizens United and the Social Sector."
Do you live in a State in the US that has already had a primary or caucus? Did you turn on your television in the weeks leading up to election day? No doubt you were bombarded with political ads - mostly negative. These are the most visible results of the Citizens United decision from 2010 - seemingly endless campaign ads run by "independent" groups. Less visible are the effects the decision is having on the shape, culture, expectations, and capacities of the nonprofit sector as a whole. That's where we'll pick up the story.
"Digital Public Goods"
Big data are being discussed everywhere. Are some data part of the public good? How are the tools for generating, making, mixing and using data for public good reflected in our policies about public good? Check out this video for a sense of how data are being used for public good - we'll be asking questions about the policy implications of these abilities:
"Impact Investing"
Impact investing is poised to draw in significant new dollars to fund social and environmental efforts. It also brings with it the responsibilities of markets for reporting requirements, financial disclosure, listing information, and new monitors and overseers. How will these policies, regulators, responsibilities and expectations fit into existing frames for nonprofits and philanthropy? Where are there potential conflicts? How will the new social economy, which includes philanthropy, impact investing, and tech driven options for using private resources for public good make sense of all these different domains?
You can sign up to receive our project materials here.