#Sandy, Tech, Communities - Part 8

This is the 8th post in this series. Here are some more resources

1) New York Tech MeetUp -#NYTM - is helping folks find electricity and coworking spaces. They've crowdmapped office space and bike access. (HT @ElizbthMllr, @Rasiej). They're coordinating through twitter with hashtag #sandycoworking

2) #NYTM is also organizing techie volunteers - here's the sign up form.

3) Here's a list of NY Tech community resources

4) It's amazing to me that any buses or subways are working in NY. That said, here's a (fake) version of what the NYC subway system would look like if it were mapped today. I got this on Twitter - don't know where it came from.

5) The biking community is out in force, helping people plan commutes and using bikes to charge phones.

6) In a similar bike vein, #OccupyWallStreet folks were re-directing themselves into a bike messenger service -

7) More volunteer opportunities being coordinated by #OWS

(The examples from the bike communities and #OWS remind me of how important these kinds of flexible communities can be. Organized for one reason, the personal connections and commitments can be redirected in times of emergency)

8) #HurricaneHackers and others coordinating #CrisisCamps this weekend

9) Pay phones became useful again - ah, inrastructure. Perhaps someone will install handcranks in these and USB ports so folks can charge cell phones.....?

10) Duracell sent BIG battery trucks to Battery Park City. Here's a teapot that turns steam into electricity for phone charging (via Kickstarter). Assumes you still have gas running to your stove.

Here are the previous posts: