Since you asked...

Black and White photo of woman in a hat with long hair, hiding her face behind white orb
Photo by Carolina / Unsplash

Lots of people keep asking me why foundations are so quiet right now. As if I know what the board members and C suiters are thinking. Ha!

But, since you asked, here are some things they might be doing, or could do.

Divest from Tesla and other #BillionaireBully owned companies. Meta, for example, defines free speech as "suing the author and publisher of a book we don't like because it says true things about Mark and Sheryl." So you could drop them from your portfolio. Other companies gladly paying to destroy democracy - divest from them under the definition of fiduciary duty that includes not funding coups. Here's the best part - since foundations make it near-impossible to parse their investments from outside, the foundation doesn't need to make any announcements of these changes. Nice side benefit - starve some of the hedge funds, private equity firms, and venture capitalists who've done so much for income inequality.
Use DAFS. I know, I know they're awful. And evil. And a favorite tool of the right for lo these last many years. Use them for the anonymity they provide and get funding where it needs to be (frontline activists, organizations led by targeted groups, digital defender groups). Play by the current rules for a bit. If you simultaneously come out in support of new regulations on DAFs you'll throw the scary people off your tracks.
Hire fired feds.
Fund risk mitigation and defense groups - digital defense, legal defense, safety and security preparedness.

I'm sure there are many more good ideas out there for the asking.