Social Innovation Camp

A few weeks back I wrote about Kluster and the promise it might hold for rapid prototyping of social ideas. Here's a better example - Social Innovation Camp, London, April 4 - 6, 2008.

For 72 hours techies and social innovators will work on the following six ideas:

- Barcode Wikipedia
A site for storing user-generated information – such as carbon footprint, manufacturing conditions and reviews - against a product, identified by its barcode number.
- Enabled by Design
A resource for anyone looking to make adjustments to their lives, be it as a result of disability, injury or impairment.
- Personal development reports
An online system that supports young people to identify their personal skills and qualities.
- Prison visits
A tool to support the families of prisoners coping with the experience of being apart from a loved one.
- Rate My CV
A site for helping jobseekers using Web 2.0 tools.
- Stuffshare
Freecycle meets Street Car: a stuff club.

The idea of Social Innovation Camp, and the ideas to be worked on at the camp, are all about using networks to create and refine solutions to social challenges.

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