Social media and grantmaking: resources
I'm building a list for philanthropic foundations - please add your recommendations in the comments. Thanks.
Social Media Resources for Grantmakers
ReportsAlliance for Justice, Influencing Public Policy in the Digital Age: The Law of Online Lobbying and Election-related Activities, pdfCommunications Network, “Come on in, the water’s fine: An exploration of Web 2.0 technology and its emerging impact on foundation communications” Digital Media Project, Open Society Institute
Institute for Philanthropy, Philanthropy and Social Media BooksTwitter4Good, Claire Diaz Ortiz, The Networked Nonprofit, Beth Kanter and Allison Fine, Jossey Bass, 2010The Dragonfly Effect, Jennifer Aaker, Review, October 2011 (also includes audio and videos) Diaz Ortiz, “Harness Twitter, Change the World” Washington Post, September 6, 1011 “Why would a foundation tweet”’s Blog on Nonprofits and Technology www.kanter.orgGlobal Voices Online
Glasspockets, What foundations are doing vis-a-vis transparency Videos and slide decksThree tips to use social media to democratize your grantmaking
Social Media for Grantmakers
Box Hill Institute's video on social media stats & facts, including Australia: