#tech, communities, #sandy

This is, (bad pun intended), a marathon.

1) Steven Clift of eDemocracy is working on a "tips" list for neighbors, disasters, and social media.

2) "First world" disaster recovery - cell phone charging is major activity.  

3) #DoSomething helps people everywhere think about disaster prep with #PantryPrep

4) Social media driven fundraising sites like fund.ly getting lots of use for #sandy recovery (I mentioned CrowdRise and CraigConnects earlier)

5) After @MikeBloomberg (wisely) canceled the NYC Marathon, folks quickly set up ways for racers who had already booked hotel rooms to donate them to those seeking shelter post-storm - race2recover was up within hours of the Mayor's announcement.

6) Interactive maps of Red Cross shelters, open gas stations, and pharmacies.

7) Incredible maps of FourSquare check-ins pre- and post-storm

8) Public agencies turned to Twitter in a big way - good story from CNN on the woman behind the @FDNY account. (HT @Darimonline)

9) Here's an open transit planner built by tech community (HT @Digiphile)

10) David Pogue offered some tips on keeping things charged up

11) The Chronicle of Philanthropy put out this list of company donations to storm relief efforts.

12) PBS IdeaLab posted this story on most innovative coverage of the storm

13) Courtesy of @NickBilton and @theWirecutter - necessary tech for an emergency

Best of luck and lots of support to the #hurricanehackers and others at #crisiscamps this weekend!

Here are the previous posts: