Tell your story!
In the past I've given out a number of "person's choice" awards for digital data use and storytelling. Humanity United won one for their performance report and the Knight Foundation for a slide presentation of evaluation findings. As the person's choice they reflect the wisdom and opinions of, well, me, a single person. And the prize for winning? Well, I name you on this blog. Not exactly bankable.
I'm thrilled to tell you that the good people (as in more than one person) at TechSoup are giving out real awards with actual prizes (iPads, FLIP video cameras, software, Flickr Pro accounts) in their TechSoup Digital Storytelling Challenge (#TSDIGS). So, now is your chance, get out and tell that story.
How to get involved:
- Submit a one-minute video or five-photo slideshow to win prizes
- Register for TechSoup's upcoming free webinar on post-production (2/16) with David J. Neff of Lights. Camera. Help.
- Join in a tweet chat (2/14) about social sharing to learn how to get your video in front of the eyeballs that matter most to your org
- Tell everyone you know to participate:
- Subscribe to the Google group to stay up to date on all of it!
Deadline is February 29, 2012.
The challenge is open to all social benefit organizations regardless of 501(c)(3) status or location.
Heck, these folks even have an awards ceremony...As they say where I'm from, "Ya gotta be in it to win it!"