The Nonprofit Times 50 Top Influencers

I was just named one of The Nonprofit Times Top 50 Power and Influencer Honorees for 2013. The honor specifically calls out my use of

" media to push out and gather thoughts on how to create, fund, and distribute shared social goods in the digital age. She writes about how data are fundamentally reshaping the flow of philanthropy, calling it the future of good."

In other words - this honor is because of you blog readers and twitter followers, my incredible colleagues at Stanford's Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society, the great people at The Foundation Center and European Foundation Centre who make the annual Blueprint possible, and my new colleagues at The David and Lucile Packard Foundation where I am about to begin my role as a Visiting Scholar. So thank you.

The timing is nice as my #ReCoding Good Project colleagues and I will be releasing our first round of white papers (they're out with reviewers this month) and formally launching the Digital Civil Society Lab very soon. You'll be able to follow that work on this blog and @p2173, on twitter at @DigCivSoc, in person at Stanford events, and on the Lab's (soon-to-launch) website. I hope you'll join in.

Thank you for this honor. I'm proud to be among such world changing colleagues.