What would you ask? (WWYA)
Nathaniel Whittemore has a nice discussion going on over at change.org - "What is the one thing you need to know before giving to charity this year?" The posts are all interesting, and comments are also helpful - here are some paraphrased excerpts - read the post/comments for the full discussion:
- Who plans the programs you are thinking of supporting?
- Do your homework - check out review sites
- Start an investment portfolio to donate to social entrepreneurs
- Know that your favorite program might not work
- Make a giving plan and stick with it
- Ask the nonprofit who manages their money (in the wake of the Madoff Ripoff)
- And more, check it out. http://socialentrepreneurship.change.org/blog/view/the_one_thing_you_need_to_know_before_you_donate_to_charity_this_holiday_season
Tags: philanthropy, madoff, change.org, givingseason