Your #Philanthropy #Buzzwords

I'm working hard on two things for you.

First, the Blueprint 2013. There's some good news about the Blueprint this year. I can only tease you with it now, but look for a real press release soon. In the meantime, loyal readers and dear friends, pull out your pencils and mark your calendars - the Blueprint will be available on January 1, 2013. That is a little bit later than its usual December 1st publication date, but, trust me, it will be worth the wait.

Second, buzzwords. It's almost Thanksgiving. I know you think of the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year's as "Giving Season." This year, be sure to be part of Giving Tuesday on November 27 as we turn our collective energy to helping make the world a better place.

I, however, think of the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years as "Buzzword Time." I have to check the list I've been keeping all year, watch what others are doing, start bookmarking all the other lists that people start posting everywhere. Most of all I have to make sure I get to 10 Philanthropy Buzzwords for 2012 before December 31st.

Here's the list I have so far:

7) Fiscal Cliff
6) Resilience
5) Social Welfare Organization
4) Sensemaking
3) Data Scientist
2) Flash Mob Philanthropy
1) Data

This year I got some great help from participants at the Independent Sector Conference. Here's a list of suggestions I gathered in a breakout session.

"Network(s) (ed)           Highly effective organizations           Community engagement
Innovation                     Analytics                                             Social enterprise
Impact                           Tech for good                                      Crowdfunding
Interaction                    Blended Value                                     Mission related investing
Impact Investing           Collective Impact                                B Corporations
Big Data                        Metrics                                               Optics
Social enterprise           Crowdfunding                                    Social innovation
ROI                                Results-based                                     Social impact bonds
Digital public goods      Outcome oriented                               Social economy
Evaluate                         Theories of Change                            Hybrid organizations
Community ecology        PerformWell                                      Transmedia"

I also was the recipient of this great "buzzword proposal."

I have my ideas and secret list of Philanthropy Buzzwords 8, 9 and 10. I'm also open to suggestions right up until December 31st 2012. Send me yours in the comments or on twitter at @p2173.